{ "@context" : "http://schema.org", "@type" : "Product" ,"aggregateRating": { "@type" : "AggregateRating", "bestRating": "5", "ratingValue" : "4.3956", "reviewCount" : "2432", "worstRating" : 1 }, "review": [ { "@type":"Review", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "John T" }, "datePublished" : "2024-06-20", "description" : "", "reviewRating": { "@type": "Rating", "bestRating" : "5", "ratingValue" : "5", "worstRating" : "1" }, "reviewBody": "It seems to work well for me and I seem to get a lot of work finished more quickly. I used to find it difficult to end at 5 pm but now it seems quite possible if I wasn't phoned to procrastinate to finish much earlier possibly at 4 pm or even earlier. I think it improves focus as well and all considered it seems to have given me somewhat of an edge in certain areas. It's very difficult to define exactly what difference it makes but it does make a noticeable difference and increases productivity which means it more than pays for itself, increased income. of course I can't be certain that the improvement in business activity is directly connected to the product but I have to consider it to be a distinct possibility because everyone else is telling me that Business is down and I'm finding that Business is noticeably up. Myself and my colleagues have the product sitting on our desks in my case it's on top of one of the laptops so when I head to the office which is adjacent to the pool, I can't miss it and make sure that I take a couple every morning." } , { "@type":"Review", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Isaiah H" }, "datePublished" : "2024-06-19", "description" : "", "reviewRating": { "@type": "Rating", "bestRating" : "5", "ratingValue" : "5", "worstRating" : "1" }, "reviewBody": "Good blend of nootropics. I definitely will use this product long term. Great focus and I can take it any time of the day. I love the great service when ordering. Mind lab pro takes great care of their customers and I plan on being a long term customer. " } ] ,"name" : "Mind Lab Pro®", "image" : "https://www.performancelab.com/cdn/shop/t/2/assets/product-mindlabpro-thumb-1.webp", "sku" : "mindlabpro" }